Gian Nello Piccoli, born in Treviso, joined Eurosystem (at that time Sistemarca) in 1981. Starting from a commercial role, he then contributed to developing the company's business until he became its CEO thanks to his personal attitudes and innovative visions.
Over the years, in fact, he has led a project of company aggregations that has seen the entry of 6 companies into the Group, 8 branches, 160 collaborators distributed in Northern Italy and a turnover of 22 million per year covering 4 Business Units (Business Applications & Industry 4.0, Cybersecurity, Tech Solutions & Services and YREALITY Immersive Technologies) and positioning himself among the market leaders in the field of consultancy, services, solutions and IT products.
Member of the President’s Council and General Council of Confindustria Veneto Est and President of the IT Department as well as councillor of the Chamber of Commerce Treviso and Belluno.